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Questions about Commencement?

Text “Hi” to 1-833-338-3822 to chat with Butch and have your questions answered!

Spring Ceremony – May 3, 2025

Please note, each ceremony is expected to last around two hours. Doors open at 7:00AM

8:00 AM

  • College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences
  • Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture
  • Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • College of Veterinary Medicine

12:00 PM

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • School of the Environment

3:30 PM

  • Carson College of Business
  • Edward R. Murrow College of Communication
  • College of Education

Day of Instructions

  • Please bring your Grad Pass QR Code with you (screenshot or printed)! Without it, your name will not be read.
  • Arrive at Beasley Coliseum at least 30 minutes before the start of your Ceremony.
  • Bachelor grads should enter through the west lower tunnel (under the skywalk bridge on Stadium Way) and walk on to the arena floor of Beasley.
  • Masters and Doctoral grads should line up in the tunnel on the lower level of Beasley (enter through tunnel doors across from the baseball fields).
  • Look for the large sign with your college name on it (ushers will be available to assist you).
  • Within your college seating area, find the sign with your major/department to be seated with.
  • Follow the line leader when the diploma march begins and remember to have your reader card/QR code with you when you come forward!

Grad Pass

Sometime in March-April, you will receive an email from Tassel, with a link to your Grad Pass. Please screenshot or print out your Grad Pass QR Code and bring it  with you to the ceremony. This QR will be scanned during the diploma march.

**Please note – only majors are read and displayed at Commencement (not minors or certificates). If you have questions about what will be printed on your diploma, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (509) 335-5346.

Academic Regalia

Regalia orders can be placed through Herff Jones or the Bookie. The Bookie can be reached at:

For the latest information and guidelines on wearing regalia, please follow this link to answer many of your questions:

Who can Participate

WSU Students from any Campus Statewide

Any WSU student can register to participate in the Pullman Campus Commencement Ceremony. To register, you must have applied for your degree or have already received it. If you are finishing courses and expect to complete them before the cutoff date for graduation, you may participate in a commencement ceremony.

WSU Faculty

The University encourages faculty to participate to honor and support students’ academic achievements.


All Commencement ceremonies at the Pullman campus are open to the public and free to attend. You may invite as many people as you would like. NO TICKETS REQUIRED! Graduates may invite as many friends and relatives as they wish to the ceremony. There are no reserved seats and guests may sit in any of the designated guest seating areas and come and go at their leisure. Only graduates are allowed to sit in the graduates’ seating area.


Free parking is available in lots across the Pullman campus on a first come-first-serve basis on Saturday, May 3. Traffic will be slow and heavy as you arrive on campus. Please take extra travel time into account as you come to celebrate and ensure the safety of yourself and others!

Please refer to the Spring parking map for more information. 

Additional info related to parking can be found here:

Online Viewing

For those that cannot join us in person, we will be streaming the ceremony. Find links for the live event here:


The program is not a listing of those attending the ceremony but a listing of those that applied to graduate for May 2025 by the deadline set by the Registrars’ Office.

In an effort to reduce our environmental impact, we will no longer be printing physical commencement programs. Instead, a digital version of the program will be available online for easy access. For those who prefer a printed copy, the online version will also be downloadable and printable at your convenience.
View WSU 2025 Spring Commencement Program


With the substantial number of graduates, there is no room on the event floor for personal photographers. Sit back and enjoy the celebration as our professional photographers capture your graduate as they cross the stage and receive their diploma cover. Professional commencement photography will be provided by After Image Visual Services. Each graduate will be photographed against the official WSU backdrop, with the dean of their college.

Photo proofs will be available online at approximately one week after Commencement. Proofs will be emailed and mailed to the addresses provided at registration. Dozens of photo and video products are available including prints, customized WSU plaques, tassel display frames, digital downloads, photo USBs, ceremony DVDs, custom video clips, and so much more. You will be sent an email with a link to view photos on-line within a week of the ceremony.

If you have any questions, please contact After Image at:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 509-332-0964
  • Studio Address: 314 S. Washington St, Moscow, ID 83843


Commemorative t-shirts and sweatshirts are available for pre-purchase at the link below. All online orders will be available for pickup on-site the day of the event. To retrieve your order, please stop by our booth located conveniently at the entrance to the event before the ceremony begins.


All South (main entrance) and East (across from rec. center) entrances into Beasley will be open for families and guests to enter. Family members and friends will not be allowed in the student line-up areas. A Weapons Detection System will be in place at each entrance. To learn more about the detection system, please visit their website.

  • Doctoral & Masters students should enter through east side tunnel, across from the baseball field
  • Bachelor students enter through the west side tunnel (under the skywalk bridge on Stadium Way) and head on to the floor of Beasley to find their college sign.

Bag Policy

Beasley Coliseum enforces a Clear Bag Policy to enhance safety and streamline entry procedures.  Approved bags include:

  • Clear plastic, vinyl or PVC bags that do not exceed 14″ x 8″ x 14″. 
  • Clear drawstring backpacks no larger than 14″ x 14″
  • One-gallon clear re-sealable plastic storage bags

Returning Regalia

If your regalia was shipped to your home, you must mail it back to Herff Jones. If you picked up your regalia at the Bookie, you can return it there. All rented regalia (robe, yoke, hood) must be returned. 

Cap Decorating

You are more than welcome to decorate your cap! You will keep your cap, you do not have to return it. 

Contact us

University Events

PO Box 641227
Pullman, WA 99164-1227