The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. Plan to line up 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. Personal items should be left with family members or at the supplied coat check stations during the ceremony.
Please bring your Reader Card with you (or arrive early to pick it up)! Without it, your name will not be read.
Arrive at Beasley Coliseum at least 30 minutes before the start of your Ceremony.
Bachelor grads should enter through the west side doors (facing the skywalk bridge) and head down to the floor of Beasley.
Look for the large sign with your college name on it (ushers will be available to assist you).
Within your college seating area, find the sign with your major/department to be seated with.
Masters and Doctoral grads should line up in the tunnel on the lower level of Beasley (enter through tunnel doors across from the baseball fields).
Follow the line leader when the diploma march begins and remember to bring your reader card with you when you come forward!
View the student line up and seating areas in Beasley Coliseum.
You may enter the Beasley Coliseum concourse through all doors.